Stephen Knutter

  Web & Mobile JS Developer

Access Deeply Nested Array of Subdocuments in Mongodb

November 23, 2018

Example mongodb document

        _id: ObjectID("4b1bb6ff3abc8266a21890co")
        listing: {
            name: "foo"
            address: "ham street"
        categories: [
                title: "bar"
                items: [
                        name: "eggs"
                title: "baz"
                items: [
                        name: "french toast"

Use mongodb aggregation to access categories -> items -> name and return the embedded document

assuming our database has a collection named listings and looking for item names that have the word french

    /* Make $match & $sort first in aggregation pipelines to take advantage of indexes */
    { $match: {"": {$regex: "french", $options: "i"}}},
    { $unwind: "$categories" },
    { $unwind: "$categories.items" },
    { $limit: 5 },
    { $project: {_id: 0, item: { name: "$"}}}


$unwind both arrays categories and items which essentialy creates new documents.

From there, $project any property of the document.

    item: {
        name: "french toast"