Stephen Knutter

  Web & Mobile JS Developer

NestJS GraphQL File Upload

February 07, 2020

Usage of graphql-upload

GraphQL File Upload Spec

Setup a NestJS app with the CLI:

NestJS Scaffold

Configure GraphQL:

NestJS GraphQL

In the root of the app, outside the src directory, create a directory named uploads to write the uploaded file

Create a Resolver for the upload

import { Resolver, Args, Mutation } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { GraphQLUpload, FileUpload } from 'graphql-upload';
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs';

export class FileResolver {

    constructor() {}

    @Mutation(() => Boolean)
    async uploadFile(@Args({name: 'file', type: () => GraphQLUpload})
    }: FileUpload): Promise<boolean> {
        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => 
                .on('finish', () => resolve(true))
                .on('error', () => reject(false))


NestJS has a wrapper around Apollo 2 server. graphql-upload along with the Upload scalar come with Apollo version 2

Test this in Postman

  1. Select POST from the dropdown
  2. Enter url to Graph server i.e. http://localhost:5000/graphql
  3. Select form-data and the Body tab
  4. Fill out the Body tab as follows
Key Value
operations {“query”:“mutation UploadFile($file:Upload!) {\n uploadFile(file:$file)\n}”, “variables”: { “file”: null }}
map { “0”: [“variables.file”] }
0 [File ▾] (select your file to upload)
  1. Once the body is filled out click Send

Successful response

    "data": {
        "uploadFile": true

File should now be in the /uploads folder in the app root